Computer Technology Certificate Program

Computer Technology Certificate 

Computer Technology Certificate Program


About the Computer Technology Certificate Program

Computer technology is the bedrock of IT operations. Some amount of IT infrastructure is needed for any size business to function. Today’s IT foundation requires skills in desktop support, physical server maintenance, Windows and Linux operating systems, virtual environments (like VMware), network configuration, and storage planning. Security is a critical part of each of these responsibilities.

Computer Technology Certificate Program Focus

Our programs focus on CORE foundations: computer fundamentals, Network basics, security basics. We also offer training in Linux, web server technology, Virtualization ( with Vmware and HyperV) to provide students with the background needed to address a wide variety of IT positions.

Computer Technology Certificate Program Curriculum

The curriculum is comprised of 48 Units (720 class hours) and includes the following courses:
  • IT Essentials
  • Network + 
  • Security +
  • Introduction to Linux
  • Linux Administration 
  • Advanced Linux System Administrator
  • Introduction to Apache
  • VMWare Fundamentals
  • VMWare Administrator
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