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celeste hanford • Jun 27, 2020

celeste hanford • Jun 27, 2020

IBM Skills Academy Begins Fall 2020Thi a subtitle four new post

IBM Skills Academy Classes 2019

The IBM Skills Academy is almost up and running!  We excitedly countdown until the first ever IBM Skills Academy opens in Nevada. 
NTA teachers are finishing their courses from IBM to share this ground breaking educational platform with our community. 
IBM Skills Academy Certifications can be obtained in one semester complete with a certificate from IBM, a digital badge, 
and a valuable education.

So, lets back up a little bit. If you don’t know about Big Blue, you may be living under a rock.  
IBM is globally recognized as a key innovator, and influencer, in the technology community for over a century. They started creating computerized punch card systems in 1911 and in 2020 they stress known boundaries with products like WATSON, a stellar artificial intelligence program, and Quantum computing.  

Recently IBM obtained Red Hat and using it to create the cloud services for IBM Skills Academy.  IBM Skills Academy's goal is to close the skills gap present in the tech industry between the university and the field.  Many students whom complete degrees do not have the experience to advance them into a new career they went to school for.  IBM Skills Academy offers hands-on labs , online courses, and certifications for tech skills in demand available through IBM's cloud service to fill the gap.  IBM Skills Academy students will have access to programs, virtual tools, and hands-on labs only available on IBM’s platform. 

Gaining access to enterprise level tools without having to pay the enterprise level price gives students hands-on experience industry specific tools they otherwise wouldn't have access.

Maybe you don’t have two years to spend in school, but you can dedicate yourself to completing a program in 3 months? 

This is the opportunity you have been looking for. No long-term commitments, great knowledge presented professionally, and a certification to advance your career.  These certificates are not considered an industry standard, but they are still respected within the greater information technology community. This curriculum is short enough to feel comfortable completing the coursework, but interesting enough that you might find a hidden passion to advance further.  Courses provided from IBM & NTA establish a good foundation you can build on.

Nevada Technology Academy is preparing several different certification paths available through the IBM Skills Academy including: Data Science, IoT, Cloud Services, and Artificial Intelligence.
If you, or someone you know, would be interested in these programs contact us today. You can read more about these programs at 

Fall 2020 NTA offers IoT, Blockchain,Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence from IBM Skills Academy. Fall of 2021 NTA aims to add IBM Skills Academy courses in Data Science, Data Planning, Quantum Computing and Cloud Services to their curriculum.  

We are proud to announce these courses are offered to our alumni to help boost their resumes because we want our graduates to have the best opportunities possible.

Nevada Technology Academy instructors have studying IBM material approximately one year now. They are excited and ready to bring home all of this valuable information to our community.   Join us as NTA becomes the first ever IBM SKills Academy in Nevada. 

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Advancing your career in the technology industry can be nerve wrecking. If you are taking a CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network +, or CompTIA Security + exam sooon, you need to take advantage of your resources. You're Nevada Technology Academy industry professional teachers are here to help you success.
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By celeste hanford 27 Jun, 2020
Have you found yourself recently displaced laid off, or furloughed from your job? Have you realized that, maybe you don’t like what you do for a living? Do you have 9 free hours a week? There is no better time than now to make a change to positively affect the rest of your life. It's time to quit making excuses because now is the perfect moment to improve yourself. The only person who can make this decision is you. What's holding you back? Why not make a change, and go back to school? Finally spending some time outdoors in the sunshine sounds enticing. To do our part the community has "stayed home for Nevada", but it’s the middle of summer! Summertime in Reno, Nevada invites us outside with sandy beaches at Lake Tahoe, painted desert hills laden with exciting new adventures, and the comforts found at neighborhood parks. As fun as it is enjoying the activities of summer: the campfires, the swimming pools, and everlasting swatting at mosquitoes, it doesn’t last forever. Before you realize it, grocery stores will be packed to the gills with pens, pencils, and paper products preparing students for the upcoming semester. Maybe, that new student should be you? This fall Nevada Technology Academy anticipates providing virtual classes and, fingers crossed, physical classes. We are embracing the “new normal” with creative solutions coming into play Fall, 2020. Night classes at NTA are easy to fit into your schedule, and the subject matter is nothing short of impressive given the short duration of our programs in comparison. Don’t let the end of Summer sneak up on you. This is the year to get your degree started, or gain the technical skills required to advance your career. Technology is the future, and you should be a part of creating the 21st Century.
Nevada Technology graduate illustration
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By Whitney Korda 03 May, 2020
The Information Technology world has exploded over the last 10 years. Computers are incorporated into everything we do in society at this point, but something that has been forgotten in this progressive advance in technology; the human factor. Even though most of our interactions use a screen and as intermediary we all need to remember that there is a person with thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the other side of the screen. Although Rishma works as the Director of IT in the City of Reno, her message to us was so much more important than talking about the daily ins and outs of her job. She elaborated on the importance of empathy. Oftentimes the definitions of sympathy and empathy are used synonymously, and that is not correct. Sympathy is feeling for someone and empathy is feeling with someone. Using active listening skills, and truly absorbing other’s emotions to connect with them at that moment shows empathy. To be able to reach something deep inside yourself to feel what others feel will help your relationships in work and personal lives. Bridging the gap between substituted emotions using digital communication with human emotions attached to the other end of the keyboard will ease the tension created by lack of physical cues, micro gestures, and tone in text. She also explained how we can add empathy to our digital world. Features essential to creating an empathetic model include accessibility, credibility, usability, findability, usefulness, and desirability. Combining these ingredients is a recipe for success! Empathy in technology is synonymous to “customer service”. All businesses have customers, even the City of Reno, and they want a human experience. Creating an empathetic attitude to truly understand the customer needs in any business, but especially IT, will make the world you live in a better place. Empathy is especially important for IT because more and more jobs are becoming remote, or telecommute. Which is convenient for those of us hermit types, but ultimately losing face to face contact with peers and clients can definitely impact your success. In conclusion, always remember the Golden Rule: treat others how you want to be treated. Even if someone treats you badly treat them with kindness and try to empathize with them. We all walk our own path, and you don’t know what someone else is going through unless you ask. Compassion and empathy need to be remembered as we incorporate the human element back into digital society.
How Women Shaped Computing
By Celeste Hanford 03 May, 2020
women's edition - written the Nevada Technology Academy Newsletter This post is an exert from our college student newspaper The Wire. In this article you will find many amazing women who shaped the world that we live in today. Learn about the hidden figures who's endeavors to science and technology will always be honored.
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