Trade Options

Trade Options that Make Sense

Enjoy working with your hands and the technology field - there's options for you.

Courses & Classes

Designed for individuals seeking to enhance their professional credentials within courses of technological interest.

Career Paths

Career paths specifically include courses of study that help an individual progress towards his or her goals and objectives.


Focused course offerings that are primarily developed to prepare students for employment.

Trade Options

Trade Options designed to give students the technical skills to prepare them for a specific trade occupation.

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Nevada Technology Academy Trade Options

Interest in trade careers in the U.S. was on the decline over the past few decades, creating a surplus in demand for skilled workers as the previous generation began to retire. Now there is a need to fill that demand, and trade schools have become a viable alternative to a traditional 4-year university.

Cabling & Fiber Optics Certificate Program

The Nevada Technology Academy Cabling & Fiber Optics program has been designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Fiber Optic Cabling as well as ests the knowledge and/or hands-on skills needed in today’s electronics industries constantly gaining information, verifying the validity and current relevance of its assessments and means to augment to support evolving practices and standards.
  • Cabling & Fiber Optics Certificate Focus

    The Nevada Technology Academy Cabling and Fiber certificate program focuses on a broad range of technologies that are essential in the realm of fiber optics and information. 

  • Cabling & Fiber Optics Certificate Curriculum

    The curriculum is comprised of 9 Units (135 class hours) and includes the following courses:

    Entry Level Cabling Technician 

    Students will learn the language and acronyms used in the cabling industry. They will learn to read industry specification and construction prints. From these documents they will be able to prepare written descriptions of the requirements to complete a cabling project. Course material will include the introduction of all of the physical key elements in a cabling network, importance of color codes, and basic network technologies. 

    Cable Installer I

    Students will use the knowledge gained in the Entry Level Cabling class to build cabling networks to include: Copper and fiber cabling, connectors, racks, and grounding. Included will be an introduction to installing devices to include but not limited to: paging systems, wireless access points, power over Ethernet, Voice over IP. There will be an introduction to test equipment and EIA/TIA compliance. This is a hands-on class. 

    Cable Installer II

    This course will expand the student's knowledge with a greater degree of technical information and with an emphasis on fiber optics. The student will learn how to identify performance issues and correct them. There will be an introduction to DC Theory. Students will learn how to operate Optical Time Domain Reflectometers as well as be able to interpret test results. This is a hands-on class.

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